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 Youth in years 7 – 8 

In School - After School - Camps


 Youth in years 9 – 13 

In School - After School - Camps

Mentoring happens informally across our whole Epic approach:
Epic Values People (vertical).png

Mentoring is: Mentoring aims to provide purposeful, structured and trusting relationships, that bring young people together with Caring Individuals

Who: Encourage, Inspire, Enable

Mentoring Whakawhanaungatanga.png
Core Elements of Mentoring

Where are you from? Where have you been? What is unique about you? What is a quality you have? People that are important to you in your life? What are some key moments in your story? what symbol, character, colour would represent you?


Experiences: Journeys, skill and interest development.

Memories: Reflecting, journalling, celebration, sharing together. 

Lifeskills/Goals: Setting goals as a group and individually.

Serving: Leadership development, generosity, serving.


Choices Emotions. Identity/Mana Communication. Relationships Values. Aroha Purpose


Deeper understanding of self. Listening to each others stories and experiences.

Growth.  Karakia/Prayer.  Empowerment.  Meaningful relationships.

Intended Outcomes

Resilience Self Esteem, Connectedness, Care, Potential

Skills & Capabilities Critical thinking, Decision making, Communication, Taking responsibility for themselves, Caring for others, Participating, Contributing

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